We are a Caring, Bible-believing church, where God becomes personally involved in your FAITH, FAMILY AND FUTURE.
Your Faith Life
At NLDBC, we leave no stone unturned in helping you get re-connect with your primary root, which is in God your creator. We believe that you could always do better in life by being genuinely connected with God who is ‘your original source’.
Family Life
We are a warm, exciting and socially active community church, with the joy of members at the core of our vision. God is very much interested in your family and social life. Live a more fulfilled and happy social and family life at NLDBC!
Your “future” is more important to God than you realise. His master plan is to give you an expected end. Here at New Life Destiny Baptist Church, our senior pastor and his team become committed partners with you as you take each step towards your future. Come with us, for God has looked favourably on us – Num. 10:29b

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Here at New Life Destiny Baptist Church:
We believe in the Trinity; God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Ghost.
We believe the Word of God, which is the written Word, the Holy Bible (the New Testament and the Old Testament).
We believe that man has fallen short of the glory of God, but the grace of God has appeared to restore him.
For salvation is by grace, through faith in the risen Christ Jesus. (Ephesians 2:8)
We believe in the LORD’s commission to His Church, that as a Church; unto us is given the great commission to go into the world as the ambassadors of Christ and raise Disciples of Christ. (Matthew 28:19) (2 Corinthians 5:20)
The following is the makeup of our core values at New Life Destiny Baptist Church

New life Destiny Baptist Church is committed to ethnic diversity. Although we are a community church, we are a multi-racial international church with almost every race and creed represented.
At New Life Destiny Baptist Church we believe that it is God’s mandate for every church and believer to actively invite God into the affairs of men, through applying the power of prayer and intercession.
It is our belief that the true identity of every believer should be founded upon the experience in Christ 2Cor. 5:17.

At New Life Destiny Baptist Church we are committed to reaping the harvest fields by preaching the gospel to all people, first in Jerusalem, Judea then Samaria and to the uppermost parts of the world.
At New Life Destiny Baptist Church we believe in the power of God for the HEALING AND RESTORATION of the spirit, the soul and the body of all people; irrespective of colour or creed.
At NLDBC we believe that God delights in prospering His people for the extension of His kingdom and for the furtherance of His purpose.
The family remains the foundation of not just the church but also the general society. That‘s why we are committed to building strong families, marriages, and children, according to the divine pattern and order taught by scripture.
At NLDBC we recognise, respect and practice hierarchical leadership, such as the type, which recognises the biblical overall headship of the Overseer/Senior Pastor/Ministers.
Weekly Activities & Services
Sunday | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday |
Sunday Worship Service: 10.00am – 12.00pm | Bible Study: 7.00pm – 8.30pm | Pastoral Care: 10.00am – 6.00pm | Bible College Lectures: 11.00am – 3.00pm | |||
Sunday School Service: 11.00am – 12.00pm | Prayer Meeting: Fridays 7.00pm – 8.30pm | Choir Rehearsals: 3.00pm – 6.00pm | ||||
Sunday Youth Service: 3.00pm – 4.00pm |